Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OLPC & CDMA Internet Connection Problem

I'm currently working on a successful processing project - 'One Laptop Per Child' in Mongolia. But "Every laptop Internet connection" is very difficult problem. Because, land of Mongolia is very wide & population is very few. So "wi-fi" internet zone is not suitable decision.

Fortunately, one of Mongolian mobile telephone providers - G-Mobile reaches their service every town (including all cities and small towns). Most of people use their Mobile Phone. Not long time ago, G-Mobile started Internet service (Their users can connect to the internet via their cell phones). I thought, If we can connect XO Laptops to the internet via their cell phones, many many children (about 12000 children have been using XO Laptops) can connect to the internet via their Laptops & their parents' cellphone.

I searched a solution about this & found it, how can I connect linux machines to the internet via cellphone & USB Modems. I successfully connected my ubuntu OS. (via my CDMA Anydata modem). Then I tried to connect XO Laptop, by my solution & Successfully connected it. But after connected it, a few seconds later, connection presented "Connection is not responding", "Connection timed out" etc status.

I guess, technical resource of XO Laptop is not enough for using of this device (modem). I that possible? Have you any idea?